Perfect by Ed Sheeran | What I learned from the ultimate love song

Everyone's perception of Perfect is different, but in a relationship, that's the most important thing.
Photo by Joe Nguyen from Flickr

Perfect is really hard to come by regardless of what it relates to. Especially when it’s intangible like a relationship, how can you really determine a perfect partner?

I wanted to explore that.

So in honour of Ed Sheeran’s new album (I know, I’m a couple weeks late), I wanted to talk about one of my favourite songs from him, Perfect.


The original song

As a song, it really does seem kind of perfect to me.

Not only does it highlight the love two people share with each other, but it encapsulates every moment.

Small encounters, what we wish we said, what we’re really thinking, our insecurities, everything.

The reason why I love it, is because it paints a real picture. That regardless of all the trials and tribulations, past all the insecurity and flaws, at the end of the day, we just want to find our perfect person.

And how do we know they’re perfect?

Because they’re not. They’re perfect for us.

Perfection isn’t a certain height, a certain face, a certain body type.

It’s the truth. The exchange between values and perspective, really paints that picture for what an ideal relationship should be.

It’s not always about money, or fame, but it could be as simple as dancing together.


The Perfect Iterations

While nothing will ever quite sound like the original, there’s been variations of this song that have left me completely speechless.

One of which, is Perfect Symphony with Andrea Bocelli.

Maybe it’s because I am an opera fan. It could just be the fact that I love other languages.

Regardless, this version adds an extremely different flavour for this song.

The addition of Italian sounds so magical and to me, it really sells the idea about Perfect.

That two people, who don’t speak the same language, can love each other.

Although uncommon, it really attests to the limitless potential of love, and that it truly knows no boundaries.


Darling you look…

Perfect. It’s the thing we can sometimes obsess over chasing, only to find that it was right in front of us all along.

We tend to think perfection as this checklist of behaviours and looks from a person, forgetting that perfection is subjective.

What we say is perfect, can be someone else’s imperfect.

But at the end of the day, isn’t what we think all that matters?

Do you have anyone in mind who is perfect?

Let me know in the comments!

Check out my last article on feeling disconnected.

You can also check out similar articles in the WILF section.

I also write for Medium and a publication called P.S. I Love You.

Thank you so much for reading.

Love always,



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