relationship stuff and more | my love stories, and other stories


I’ve always wanted to live a romantic life. One which overcomes the turbulences of life, ultimately ending with my happily ever, marrying the girl and getting that dream job. As I grew older and started dating, I realized it’s kind of hard to make your life like a movie. Like one of those classic love stories.


As you get older however, you realize that life isn’t like a movie. There’s no one writing it, which means there’s no guaranteed fairytale ending. I realized that if I wanted a happily ever after, I had to go after it myself. I had to create my own movie moments.


This is where you’ll hear about all of that. This is where I’ll share with you my love stories. I’ll share with you my views and perspectives on relationships, love, and romance. Along with that you’ll also find a lot of other thoughts regarding every other aspect of life here as well.