love yourself | the ultimate guide to achieving self-love


Loving yourself sounds easy. I mean it’s easy to suddenly just wake up one day for a lot of self-love and appreciation. Right?


Well, not in my experience. In fact, I don’t think it’s easy for anybody. In fact, sometimes, it can be really hard. It’s a life-long journey and loving yourself is a muscle you have to work out every day.


So many people are in unhealthy, toxic relationships, relying on manipulation to control a relationship. People become blinded by this thing we call ‘love‘ and almost lose all rational sense.


We begin to lose ourselves and eventually hit the tipping point where we have to climb back up from an endless series of self-doubt and perceived failure. Some take months to get back up. Others, take years, five years, even more. Some, allow themselves to be defeated and start believing the negativity and self-doubt.


This is a space meant to share stories, personal recommendations as well as any teachings I learn along the way. It’s a space meant to encourage self-love and helping each other realize that we deserve more.