Happy 3-Year Anniversary | A special letter for my love

A picture of me and my love

Today is my favourite day of the entire year because it’s the annual reminder that I was fortunate enough to be with my partner.

That said, I wanted to dedicate this special post to my special woman.

Happy 3-year anniversary sweetheart!

There’s a lot that can be said, but not a lot that I haven’t said already. So I wanted to take a more reflectionary approach.

When we think of our ideal partner growing up, we always have some characteristics or traits that we’re looking for them to meet.

But as we get older, it becomes more of a feeling and similar values in life.

That’s why it goes from girlfriend/boyfriend to soulmate.

I’m one of the lucky few that have actually found my soulmate, someone I see myself spending the rest of my life with.

Equally as lucky, you’re also my best friend.

Because that’s what we are.

We’re soulmates and best friends.

And I genuinely think that it’s one of the rarest combinations, but one of the most beautiful.

Additionally, what I love about our relationship is the growth we have alongside each other.

When it comes to relationships, I think that one of the hardest things, but most important, is finding someone who isn’t afraid to push you and push themselves, and can grow alongside you.

That’s something I’ve found in our relationship that I wouldn’t change for the world.

And that’s the beauty of having you as my life partner.

Because I know that throughout our lives with each other, we’ll continue to grow alongside, and learn with each other.

We’ve developed such a strong patience, understanding and communication within our relationship that I think some people search their whole lives for but aren’t able to find.

Aside from everything I was blessed to have in this life, I’ve always said that you are undoubtably the biggest blessing in my entire life.

Behind every successful person is a strong support system and I couldn’t agree more.

I’m fortunate to have you in my life because without your support, I genuinely don’t think I’d be half the man I am today.

You make me want to always be the best version of myself and I’m glad that we both push each other to be our best.

To the love of my life, happy 3 years together. While it’s just the beginning of our lives together, I’ve cherished every single moment we’ve shared and will always look forward to the million and one other moments we’ll share together.

I love you so much baby.

Cheers to a beautiful three years!

Love always and forever yours,


P.S. I intentionally set it to post at 11:59AM to finish our anniversary off for you on a strong note. I love you forever.