How do you say goodbye? | One of the hardest things to do in my opinion

Two people shaking hands, saying goodbye to each other and seeing each other for the last time.
Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Saying goodbye is something that I think is the hardest things to do. Whether it’s a friend, a relative, a loved one or even a colleague.

To make a statement that you’re not going to see each other anymore is hard.

I’ve always had trouble saying goodbye.

It’s tough and a little too harsh in my opinion.

I mean how can you be okay with saying goodbye to someone.

Here’s some things I realized that helped me.

Goodbye isn’t forever

Sometimes, the most important thing to remember is that goodbye doesn’t always have to be forever.

What if we thought about it as see you next time?

I think that changes the way we think about it.

It becomes a temporary thing instead of something that’s forever.

Knowing that it will only be a period of time versus long-term makes it easier.

It’s reassuring to know that you will one day see that person again.

Life is like a train

I’ve always thought that life can be like a train or subway.

Just like how you would get on a specific station and get off at a specific station, so will those in your life.

You may start at the same spot, but you may get off a stop or two early, and do something completely different.

Someone may get on later than you, but may get off on the same spot you are and keep going with you there.

People will always come and go in your life, and not a lot of people can stay with you forever.

And maybe that’s just how it needs to be.

If you think about it, everybody getting on and off at the same spot will just result in the same people forever.

Sometimes, you need people to get off a stop or two early, so that you can run into that person who will be with you in the long run.

When one door closes…

I think that new doors will always open when old ones close.

Sometimes a change is good and it opens up new opportunities.

I’ve also began to think of goodbyes almost as new hellos.

In my life, I’ve seen plenty people come and go. Some I’ve had to say goodbye to, and some left without me realizing it was the last time I would speak with them.

I even have some that I’ve known for over 20 years.

But regardless, I always try to remember that it was a blessing to even cross paths in the first place.

And it doesn’t feel so hard.

How do you handle goodbyes?

Let me know in the comments!

Check out my last article on coffee dates.

You can also check out similar articles in the advice corner.

I also write for Medium and a publication called P.S. I Love You.

Thank you so much for reading.

Love always,


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