What does falling in love feel like | modern love stories

Everyone always shares love stories about falling in love with their significant other, or love at first sight.

You know what I mean.

It’s always the love story of how two people met, they fell in love, and the rest is history.

Sure, I guess if it were a movie there wouldn’t be any questions, but it’s real life and real life, is almost never that simple.

For the rest of us, I wanted to share a story of how falling in love really felt like for me.

Falling in love at first sight

We all want to believe love at first sight.

I mean it’s one of the most perfect scenarios for any relationship to blossom.

Who doesn’t want to meet a stranger across a crowded room, lock eyes, and live happily ever after?

But it’s kind of hard to tell someone’s personality, attitude, sense of humour and anything else we might want to know about the other person.

So how could we fall in love with someone we don’t know anything about except for how they look?

My thoughts on falling in love

In my opinion, falling in love at first sight might not be real, and is something that lives more in the movies.

The whole process of falling in love is actually much less dramatic and a lot slower.

I think it’s an accumulation of things.

It’s noticing certain traits about them that you can’t seem to stop thinking about. It’s considering how they would feel especially when it’s not convenient.

A couple sitting together on a rock by the mountains. They seem to be falling in love.
Photo by Timo Stern

Since everybody and every relationship is different, I don’t think there’s a set amount of time where this is measured, but it’s not something that can happen immediately.

Not what I think love is anyways.

I know that some might say, but why is it call falling in love and not gradually descending into love?

Well, I think those people might have confused love with infatuation.

Look, we’ve all been there.

At the peaks of your relationship, you feel so strongly about your partner and you think that at that moment, that exact moment, you knew you had loved the other person.

But I want you to think about it.

Was it really just that time that you immediately knew?

 Or was it a gradual and slow build-up of many little things?

So, what was it really like for me?

Well, the first time I fell in love, was with my current partner, and it actually happened over a span of a couple months.

I realized the conscious choices I made everyday to choose and make my partner a priority. Time and time again, I was reminded of why we began dating in the first place.

At first, it was hard to notice.

Over time however, I started seeing why this relationship felt so different than the past.

I was able to see all the little things that were done for me and it made me appreciate my partner.

It felt safe and familiar. Comfortable yet, exciting at the same time.

I was able to trust fully and not have to worry. The usual underlying feeling of doubt wasn’t there.

For me, I knew this was a different type of relationship as time went on.

My partner had become my best friend. The person I’d tell everything to and I know would always have my back.

I couldn’t imagine my life differently and even as I’m writing this, it makes me smile.

In conclusion

I know this is a short piece but I wanted to share a little personal story of mine. Falling in love is different for everybody and I know this may not be the case for everybody.

In fact, I want to believe that true love at first sight exists.

But as a person who didn’t have it happen immediately, I want to say that the journey of falling in love is a true gift with its own rewards.

It’s like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs. But at the end of the day, you get to look back and see how your partner won you over, a little bit at a time.

Have you ever fell in love? What was it like?

Let me know in the comments!

If you’re interested, you can read my previous post on handling relationship issues.

You can also read some of my work on P.S. I Love you or Medium.

Thank you so much for reading.

Love always,


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[…] If you’d like, you can read my previous article on what falling in love feels like. […]